From: Juan Felipe Candanoza [] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 7:01 PM
Subject: News from Colombian pilot
I have been meaning to send you an email telling you how everything is going. And I am proud to tell you I have been hired by Copa Airlines here in Colombia to fly the Embraer 190. I am thrilled with this break, and I am trying to do my best in their very demanding FO school. I am about a month or so away from going to Panama for my VPT and Sim training. I am certain your knowledge and your advice will be the best aid I can possibly have. In fact, the training director was very impressed with the fact that I had the knowledge and experience from the Regional Jet Standards Certification program.
I hope you count me in your "proud of" list when I fly that beautiful bird, and let me write a review for your web page about how much I enjoyed my training. Although I am very excited with this job, I miss the CRJ and the great week I had thanks to your kind and thorough teaching.
Thank you for everything, and I hope to hear from you soon.