From: Douglas Brooks
Date: 7-16-2008
Subject: My Time at ATP
To: Mr. Jim Koziarski cc: Mr. Kristopher Swan
Dear Sirs, I am pleased to be writing this letter today. Having started the 90 day Airline Career Pilot Program on April 14, 2008, I have today completed the program in 91 total days. During this time I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at ATP-Arlington. Through all of the tough times there was always an instructor or administrator happy and willing to help with encouragement and or assisting to solve the problem faced.
I would like to recognize a few of these people as they have helped to make my time here a positive and fulfilling experience.
They are as follows: Mr. Jeremy Kimble (Privacy Requested) Mr. Rory Keul Mr.Justin Ratcliff Mr. Javier Centeno
These people have been most helpful, supportive and professional during my ATP experience.
Sincerely, Douglas Brooks