From: Jason Raths
Date: 5/26/17 13:21
Subject: ACPP Feedback
Mike Ryan [ATP Flight Instructor] is very intelligent and more than adequately prepared me for my Multi Engine Instructor check ride. He was very effective in motivating students to develop a deeper and wider correlation of aviation knowledge. Leslee [Leslee Salzman, ATP Training Support Specialist] was very professional and helpful in working with me to help me get through the program in a timely manner. Tony [Tony Orozco, ATP LZU Training Center Manager] was also very helpful in making sure that my training was done efficiently and I was able to complete my training in a timely manner. Courtney [Courtney Nadeau, ATP Housing Coordinator] was always very kind and helpful with assisting with the apartment conditions. Carrie [Carrie Morgenrood, ATP Training Coordinator and Compliance Manager] was very helpful with organizing my transportation, housing, making various arrangements to help expedite my training and making sure I was always informed as to options available as well as ensuring I understood the next steps. A really great group of people.