Randall Scott Robarts Review & Testimonial
I’m glad I used ATP for my flight training. Looking back it was all a blur! The program is very helpful getting you ready for the training at the Airlines. As a student at ATP I constantly felt the stress of improving my knowledge and skills and good decision making. As a flight instructor flying everyday I was able to reinforce my knowledge and pass it on to my students. Instructing for ATP I felt a huge responsibility properly preparing students for their checkrides. With the program moving as fast as it does, people definitely need proper guidance to be successful! I feel like the safety culture at ATP is second to none. I never felt like making a conservative decision to divert or cancel a flight due to maintenance or weather (even if I knew there would be the added cost of a hotel on the company) I never felt like there would be any punitive action. Even the follow up call after such a decision from the safety department was relaxed and you could tell that they were just gathering information to help prevent it happening to others or fix the plane. In short ATP taking safety and the CFR’s so seriously has helped enforce the decision to always do the right thing. The equipment was very well maintained and in many locations brand new! Keep up the good work!