From: Igor Pilepic <>
Date: 10/12/2011 13:08:49
Subject: Instructor Feedback
To whom it may concern,
It is my great pleasure to recommend one of the best teachers that I've ever met. As my appointed flight instructor, Stephan Cleveland really impressed me with his knowledge,experience and diligence. Mr.Cleveland always made sure that he explained the subject of study thoroughly and effectively and in such a manner that it made it easy for me to understand it and then apply it. He always put the extra amount of effort and interest in order to help me get a better comprehension of the theoretical part, which in turn,helped me put it into actual practice; he was always available at the end of the other line,beyond the allotted class time,readily to answer my questions and requests. Mr. Cleveland always seemed to have the knowledge to answer all my inquiries or to point me in the right direction and find it out on my own.More so ,whenever my weak moments arose, my instructor calmly and firmly made a notice of it, then began to steer me in the right direction. Last, but not least, Mr. Cleveland' s love for aviation truly inspired and re-ignited my own passion for flying,this time with his added experienced and somewhat humorous input on how the system works and how to be a part of this great world of aeronautics.Without his instructing and help I couldn't have done it in such a fast, effective and painless manner.
Respectfully yours, Igor Pilepic