Reviews by succesful graduates

Gabe Greener Review & Testimonial

From: Gabe Greener <--->
To: Jim Koziarski
Date: Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Regional Jet Standards Certification Course


I recently returned from Jacksonville having successfully completed ATP's Regional Jet Certification Standards course! From start to finish, I was blown away with the level of instruction I received as well as the quality of the simulator training. It definitely felt like I was a working First Officer for a regional airline!

The instructors did a phenomenal job of helping us develop good habits with the profile flows and callouts, giving me much-needed confidence as I head into my first airline ground school. The skills I've learned here  how to handle an in-flight engine fire, programming the FMS, working as a crew in a fast-paced flying environment  are all things that will bolster my chances for success at the next level.

There's not a single thing I'd change. All-in-all a tremendous experience for myself, and one I would highly recommend to anyone looking to prepare themselves for the right seat of any regional airline! Thanks again for this special opportunity.


Gabe Greener

Regional Jet Standards Certification Program
December 1, 2010