From: Nelson Sanches [] Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 3:28 PM
Subject: ATP Career Pilot Program
Dear Jim,
I am just dropping you a quick line to let you know that I have completed the Airline Career Pilot Program and am thankful to all involved for their efforts. These last few months of training have been stressful and busy, but with the help of my ATP instructors and some hard work, I have been able to transition from a private pilot all the way into a competent professional pilot posed for a career in the airlines. Thanks for taking the time to personally take me out in the company Citation for my high altitude and high performance endorsements. Also, I am truly grateful to the cast of characters who have helped me with the many written exams, test preps, dispatching, maintenance, and quality flight training services I have taken advantage of with ATP.
Receiving instruction predominately in multi-engine airplanes has aided considerably in developing my proficiency in the cockpit, and Keith Holman, Joiwind Alexander, Graham Hoover, Rebecca DeGroot, and Frank Varsalona all deserve special recognition for their time and contributions towards my flight education. Because of them I was able to gather all of the ratings and licenses necessary to pursue my chosen profession and will be able to interview with the confidence that comes from having always succeeded the first time in my checkrides. You all have done a fine job for me and good work for the aviation community.
Sincerely, Nelson Sanches CFI