Reviews by succesful graduates

Miguel Felix Review & Testimonial

From: Miguel Felix [] Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:42 PM

Subject: training experience

Dear Mr. Koziarski,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the valuable ATP staff and instructors for making my flight training experience very productive and pleasant. The Airline Career Pilot Program is a well-structured program that allowed me to earn my certificates in a short period of time, but without diluting the valuable knowledge required in this industry. The ATP accelerated 90-day program was thrilling and at the same time rich with valuable experiences that enhanced my aeronautical knowledge and abilities.

I researched for several months after graduating from San Jose State's aviation department before committing my money, time and future to a single flight school. I am more than certain I made the best decision of my aviation career by selecting ATP.

I would like to point out that the most exciting experiences of the program were my cross-country flights. I went from Oakland, California to Jacksonville, Florida in the Piper Seminole, and then in the Citation 525 I flew from Jacksonville to Canada. Flying across the country was an amazing experience that was exciting and productive because it gave me CRM, IMC, and vast aviation experiences that without doubt, made me a better pilot.

I would like to personally thank all of the instructors that helped me in the program, It seems like I had a different one for every check-ride, none the less every single one of them was capable of giving me the superb training that allowed me to pass every check-ride the first time around.

Due to such a pleasant experience with ATP, I would like to mention that I would enjoy flying and training with the ATP flight academy as an instructor. It would be a great opportunity to enhance my skills and attain greater experience and knowledge.

Once again thank you,

Miguel A. Felix ACP-90 SAC 08282006

Miguel Felix

Airline Career Pilot Program
December 19, 2006