To: Jim Koziarski From: Geoffrey Schock
Date: November 2, 2006
Re: Hire notification and thank you
Dear Jim, My dream has finally been realized, and I thank you for being an integral part of reaching my end goal! I cannot thank you enough for the opportunities you have provided for me in both Career Pilot training and working for ATP as a flight instructor. It may sound cliché, but there is no other place that could both adequately prepared me and help get my foot in the door for an interview at low total time than ATP. I am grateful for the opportunity and indebted to the team at ATP for incredible dispatch, training, maintenance, facilities, programs, airplanes and all other areas that helped make my flight training and job as a flight instructor as smooth as possible. It was an amazing experience, and if I can help in any way in the future, please don't hesitate to ask.
This is my official notification of ending employment with ATP. My class date is November 13th, so I would like to make this weekend my last at ATP, as ExpressJet must fly me back down to Houston next week for paperwork, etc. Again, thank you for the opportunity, and I wish the greatest to ATP in the future!
Sincerely, Geoffrey Schock