From: Paul Zapotoczny
Date: 8/26/18 4:35
Subject: ACPP Feedback
I loved the program [Airline Career Pilot Program] and how structured it was and to this day, I am glad that I chose ATP versus some of the competitors.
The program was pretty relevant to the training I received at my company now [AB Jets]. We [at AB Jets] do online courses very similar to ATP’s online course… While there was guidance [at ATP] a lot of the training was on your own, which was almost exactly the same here at AB Jets. When I went to CAE for my type rating, it was structured almost exactly the same as ATP’s SIM sessions, the only difference, of course, was that it was a level D simulator. During IOE (initial operators experience) flying with our chief pilot, reminded me of the crew eval flights. I have nothing but good things to say about going to ATP as a student, as well as, working for ATP as an instructor. Instructing started a little slow. Which looking back now, was probably a good thing for a low-hour pilot… overall, I would recommend ATP to anyone. I hope this feedback was helpful!