Reviews by succesful graduates

Linnea Ebba Couture Review & Testimonial

 From: Linnea Couture 
Date: 10/11/17 13:26
Subject: ACPP Feedback

My instructor, Maks [Maksymilian Surowka, ATP Flight Instructor], has prepared me very well for both my private and instrument checkrides. During my instrument checkride, my DPE told me I knew the material well enough to where she thought I could have been a CFI. Maks has done an EXCELLENT job preparing me for my flights, checkrides, and crew training. He is a great instructor and also a great pilot. Maks has also made time outside of ATP to help prepare me for checkrides. I am almost two months ahead of schedule, and am continuing to do well and I am staying ahead. I am very happy with the ATP program and am also lucky to have a CFI who is willing to go above and beyond to help me do well in the program.

Linnea Ebba Couture

Airline Career Pilot Program
October 11, 2017