From: Kirksey Hagan
Date: 5/11/16 17:02
Subject: ACPP Feedback
My instructor [Trip Harrington, ATP Flight Instructor] was extremely thorough in transitioning from single to multi engine. My private multi check ride, despite the limited amount of time in the plane, felt like one of the easier check rides I've had in the program thus far. The materials and ground lectures covering the Seminole both on the ground and in flight were extremely beneficial. Trip prepared me and made me feel comfortable in the aircraft before we even took the first flight. He is very thorough in teaching and applies the information in a very practical way. In flight he is extremely patient and is very knowledgable in the configurations and maneuvers. I feel as though he is an asset to ATP as he is one of the very best, most dedicated instructors I know who genuinely cares about his students and wants them to succeed.