Reviews by succesful graduates

Mark Samyn Review & Testimonial

 From: Mark Samyn 
Date: 7/22/15 15:35
Subject: ACPP Feedback

Dear Mr. Koziarski,

I don't expect you to remember me with all the pilots you see come through there but this is Mark Samyn and I did all my pilot training with ATP.

I started from zero time in November 2012 and started working for ATP as a CFI in June of the following year. You once called me to give me the chance to go from Phoenix to my first choice of Ogden and I was only the third instructor to work at the school as it was just getting started. I really enjoyed my time working in Ogden and David Ticich is an intense guy to have as a manager but I wouldn't have had it any other way and I would trust him with my life. He does a really good job with the pilots over there.

I reached the magic 1500 after thirteen months of instructing and then I got right on with SkyWest. I am now approaching a year with them and life continues to improve.

I really do love aviation. Even my hobby is flying model airplanes in aerobatic competition. I want to express my thanks to you and to the entire crew at ATP because although you have to earn every bit of what you accomplish, ATP provided me with the tools I needed to go from zero time to airline pilot in just 21 months. Also, thanks again for sending me up to Ogden. It was a perfect fit for me and I really enjoyed working with the CFIs and the students there.

I wish you guys all the best as you continue to be successful in running ATP as a company and in helping other aspiring pilots reach their goals.

Mark Samyn

Airline Career Pilot Program
August 3, 2015

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